
Epicureanism. Melvyn Bragg and guests discuss Epicureanism in this BBC episode of In Our Time. Epicureanism is an ancient Greek philosophical system taught by Epicurus.

Gretchen Rubin
Gretchen Rubin (Mittie Garza)

E, an iconoclast from the Athenian colony of Samos who taught a philosophy of materialism. Both Epicureanism and Stoicism recommend not harming others or breaking the law, but for different reasons. Epicureanism famously holds pleasure to be the highest good, a position that has often been misconstrued.

In popular parlance, Epicureanism means devotion to pleasure, comfort, and high living.

Epicureanism went into decline with the rise of Christianity.

Stoic or Epicurean? - Scripturient

The Stoics and the Epicureans | People-triggers

Epicureanism: eat, drink, and be merry? | OUPblog

Philosophy of education

Epicurus - Wikipedia

What is Epicureanism? - YouTube

epicurus philosophy

Stoics, Epicureans, Skeptics

Epicurus (Illustration) - Ancient History Encyclopedia

Rather, Epicureanism advocates the pursuit of what one might describe as a sort of negative pleasure—the absence of pain, fear, and want. Having these alone is enough for peace of mind, a highly valued good in Epicureanism. Epicureanism is the system of philosophy based on the teachings of Epicurus.

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